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Friday, September 3, 2010

- continuing (what is it about ufology?) -2-

*    What exactly is evidence? In our case as Ufology researchers and investigators, we look at much more than sightings, abduction reports, recordings, video, and photographs as evidence or proof. we research and investigate anything that lends credence to the existence of UFO's and aliens including the historical documentation and artifacts or objects that directly points to other than the humans race as an explanation.    
*    Ufology is the research, investigations, and exploration of a preponderance of circumstantial and possibly concrete evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that it is possible that we might not be alone in the universe. Sorry, that might sound like a wishy washy, placating, politician type answer but that is about how it really is for us.
*    We search for the truth and proof but unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds. There is always someone who will declare it is not enough or that it is not proof even if you are standing on a crashed UFO and hitting them over the head with an dead alien body. 
*    We, as ufologists have to explore evidence within all the realms of history, astronomy, anthropology, paleontology, physics, mathematics, psychology, quantum theories, etc! etc! we have to use old fashioned sleuthing and high tech gadgets or programs to do investigations to weed out the facts from the fiction and hoaxes.
*    We believe we are not alone and we seek the truth using every reliable means possible but Only you can decide if you believe it or not based on the info at hand.

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