* Look, in the ground, is a bird? Is it a plain? Is it a rock? No it’s a really old dead dude as old as coal. Seriously, i have to admit, i do have doubts about it but it is worth a mention because people like soap opras and this is close enough for interest sake. In June1981, This guy named Ed Conrad found something that looked like a big fossilized anthropoid head near Mahanoy City and Shenandoah, Pa. In an abandoned anthracite (aka coal) surface-mining operations. As you know it is accepted (actually considered a golden rule of archeology) that coal was formed at-least 280 million years ago so it is claimed to be at-least that old.
* ed was asked to bring it to Raymond Rye II, the museum specialist in its Department of Paleontology at the Smithsonian Institution. In 1981 he and a friend took it to Rey who briefly examined it, claimed it is just a rock but made his claim without doing any tests. after that there has been tests done showing there is bones, teeth, and other human remains in it. Since then ed has been in a soap opera feud with scientific community trying to get his “man as old as coal” taken seriously.
* next is a 4 million year old homo erectus human skull found in Ethiopia (mentioned in cnn) found by paleontologist Richard Leakey which is another well known accepted controversy concerning these types of finds.
* here are some more sites: http://www.photokb.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/photography/9795/TESTING-CONFI%20RMS-MAN-INDEED-AS-OLD-AS-COAL-Lin-Liangtai-of or http://www.coffinman.co.uk/man_as_old_as_coal.htm and http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090915101355.htm
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