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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

continuing part 02 (how old is man, really?) -6-

*    so i have been asked "What about hand prints?" by some smarty alecs. yes! there has been hand prints and body parts too. a 110 million years old hand print that is a fully formed human hand print and it was also found in glen rose Texas but i am tired of prints and i am sure you want more tangible things like body parts and even bodies.  
*    this is more a curiosity of  interest  which is not to old skull but since i did mention a smoking gun. In the Museum of Natural History, London there is an early Paleolithic skull that was dated at 38,000 years old, which was excavated in 1921 in modern Zambia. What is so curious and interesting about that? The answer is,  the unfortunate person who the 38,000 years old skull was all those years ago, had been shot in the head back then. ya really, it has a wound, a hole in the skull believed and substanciated as from a bullet or similar yo gun type weapon projectile.
*    Now back to really old body parts, how about A 100 to 110 million years old fossilized finger was found on Axel Heiberg Island in the Canadian Arctic. on the other hand (so to speak) the most well known is the finger was once again found in glen rose Texas by Dr. Carl Baugh.
*    here are a few more site to check out: or   and this on is just interest nothing to do with this piece (or does it)

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