* In the domains of ufology, at-least when it comes to the questionable things or as they have been dubbed "unexplainable things" or "out of place artifacts", we are always asking "WHAT IS IT? MADE BY WHOM? AND HOW OLD IS IT?"
* Unfortunately, we usually get the skeptic lawyer version of Rene Decrates answer "It might possibly be though it is not yet we are not sure because it might be that it possibly is though it could be what it's not and it might be by someone or something at sometime even though there is nobody or nothing at any time anywhere that can explain what it is because it can't be though it is!"
* Now what is that strange statement about? It means archeology enigmas that have been dug up to say man type life has been around for hundreds of millions of years (if the other posts did not give you enough to think about) and there has been advanced technology around when there was not supposed to be.
* Some of these things can be explained to a degree until you look at the details of the big picture like in this post about some ancient things that are pipes but they might be natural though there are details that say they are not natural. Now if they are not natural, then who made them, when, why, and how? and if they are natural then who used them in a way that pipes are used like plumbing, when, and how if man was not around back then?
* I am starting PART#3 with the pipes and then moving onto more amazing things and technology to ponder which are also fossilized or at-least found embedded in ancient materials or in places or times that they could not have came from but they did.
* Modern things and technology in the past? some before man was supposed to existed? some from times when sticks and rocks were considered advanced tools? some from when man did things that they were capable of making or doing those kind of things but they did (do i really have to point out the pyrimids and - - -).
* If (doing the Rene Decrates bit again, i am there for i must be.) they are what they are from then they are then they must be thus there must be an explanation within the realm of Sherlock Holmes to get to the facts or thruth he said something like "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
* Also Oscar Wilde wrote "The truth is rarely pure and never simple." and Galileo Galilei said “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” And Winston Churchill said “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” And who knows said "More often than not, truth is stranger than fiction."
* Every body interested in this kind of stuff hears about the 65,000,000 years old tubes or pipes so let's get them out of the way first. What does anyone know or tell in detail about them? Basically there is little to go on but we know there is the some called the Baigong Pipes (age unknown) found by U.S. scientists looking for fossils round 40 km southwest of the city of Delingha, Mt. Baigong in China.
* In the negative hand of the Baigong Pipes, there is a slim possibility (very slim) that these pipes could be a rare natural formation of hematite, iron stone, and Jurassic sandstone which can be tube like. Example found in sandstone in the Navajo area of Southwestern United States, in Utah, and what has been dubbed the Louisiana Cylinders in Pliocene Citronelle Formations in the Florida parishes of Louisiana but they don't seem to be so perfectly round or evenly hollow (as in non-flow constricted).
* Now on the other hand of the Baigong Pipes, you have to take in consideration locals have known about the pipes for hundreds of years and they claim extraterrestrial visitors to mt.Baigong had something to do with the pipes construction as well as the fact that there is a sixty plus meter high pyramid near the mountain's summit which just happens to show up in satellite photos similar to what is on mars.
* The next thing to consider is that in the face of the mountain is 3 caves in which runs a pipe 40 cm in diameter in the roof and floor of one of these caves the full length of the cave. There is also dozens of pipe opening found in the mountain itself higher above the cave and there was no such drilling available at the time, actually still today it would be extremely unlikely to even attempt for any reason.
* At the base of the mountain is Lake Toson which has these pipes running in different directions and patterns on the beach some in are very unusually small which would also be difficult even today. Lastly, most of the other so-called pipes and cylinders mentions have been labeled natural formations but after all these years, the Baigong Pipes have yet to be proven or labeled to be natural by any reliable authority. or or
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