* It is true the F.O.I.A. (freedom of information act) and project disclosure has opened many doors to finding the truth but more often than not it is the truth according to them (the gov) or documents they have messed with, not to mention all the ones with the important stuff blacked out. unfortunately there is just too many doors labeled "official lady’s room" but when you go in, there is nothing but armed guards in front of men’s urinals marked top secret kitchen sinks and empty stalls labeled classified high security intelligence communication's vaults.
* Why do they do it? so they don’t have to admit they are hiding something, duh. if it was as simple as they lead us to believe, they would tell us and they actually have once or twice. the triangular stealth aircraft for example, it was a big secret stemming several UFO sightings that was uncovered and as soon as it was not a secret any more, they told us about it without to much cover up because it was ours and from earth. so why not Roswell and various other crashes like KEKSBURG on December 9, 1965 at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA, and other incidents?
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