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Saturday, September 4, 2010

- continuing (what is it about ufology?) -16-

*    To address those deliberately annoying people or those who are just to lazy to take a serious look at all the legitimate information about UFO subjects or they are not smart enough to wade through the fake stuff to get the real facts.
*    1st, nobody can look up in the sky and identify every flying thing or go through all the thousands upon thousands of documents and reports and not find one that cannot be identified so UFO's exist, period. Even the official gov reports (i gave you the site in the other post) state as fact "Between 1948 and 1969 the Air Force investigated 12,618 reported UFO sightings. Of these, 11,917 were found to have been caused by material objects such as balloons, satellites, and aircraft; immaterial objects such as lightning, reflections, and other natural phenomena; astronomical objects such as stars, planets, the sun, and the moon; weather conditions; and hoaxes. Only 701 REPORTED SIGHTINGS REMAIN UNEXPLAINED!"
*    2nd, There is no proof to someone who is to closed minded to see a ton of facts and\or evidence in front of there nose. there is hundreds (excluding the B.S., hoaxed, and explainable) per year of legitimate and credible reports from around the world from everyone from regular daily living people to high ranking officials. There is hysterical documentation, Plenty of legitimate tapes, videos, and pictures, and yes even  possible some (good, questionable, and/or debatable) physical evidence.
*    There is more evidence than you can shake a stick at but you have to stop being ridiculous and naive long enough to check it out. Wade through the b.s. And you get to the truth and the truth is proof weather you believe it or not.
*    3rd, we do not try to prove anything to anyone, we just present the facts as we have found them and weather you believe it or not is up to you.
*    4th and lastly, (for those pain in the probe hole "ain't be no such amimule as UFO's" type people) stop being pests. why do you keep hunting us down to tell us you don’t believe in them yet keep asking dumb questions about things you don’t bother looking up first. so what! we don’t care if you do or do not believe. we are not coming to you but you keep coming to us, bugging us, following us like one of those annoying little ankle biting mut dogs wanting attention yet run away when we turn around, afraid we might disillusion you by showing that we don’t deserve to be snipped and barked at.
*    Also stop calling us a cult because we don’t put up with your ignorant B.S.. or because we do not believe you when you are saying stupid things like “there ain't no such things as UFO's”. Jeez, we don’t go looking for you and saying believe us, you keep coming to us and you sound like a fool because you don’t do your homework so stop pestering us. The only thing worse than the very few UFO nut cases out there are the ANTI-UFO nut case pests who speaks from the idiot holes so grow up!

THANK YOU for reading 

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