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Monday, September 6, 2010

CONTINUING PART 02 (how old is man, really?) -4-

   Since i mentioned giants, here are a few to show you i was not joking. The Morris print which looks like a Bigfoot sized human foot print indicates the person who made it had to be close to 17 feet tall. Mr P. Holman found giant foot prints in ironstone in the Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains of Australia and the largest foot print found there says the people could have been as tall as 20 feet tall. Noel Reeves found  monstrous footprints near Kempsey, N.S.W. In Upper Macleay River. Giant foot Prints were also found near Mulgoa, south of Penrith, N.S.W. Also claimed to be from millions of years before man was supposed to be on earth.
    sticking to giants for a few more lines and it will be repeated in later post because it does belong in another section. a farmer named  Keith Walker in Gympie, Queensland, found an ancient human jaw that is proven to indicate that the person it used to belong to was at-least 10 feet tall.
    there are several names for these giants like meganthropus, "gigantopithecus blacki,
    here are a few sites to check out covers many or which is OK or or this which covers several things from other posts and this one is just cool for the sake of adding it though it has nothing to do with the info on this blog

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