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Sunday, September 5, 2010

continuing part 02 (how old is man, really?) -3-

*    Strangely enough, footprints from the Dino days are not as uncommon as you might think also even though man was not supposed to be around back then. there are many that indicate some of these old timers were giants as tall as 12 to 20 feet tall. Beside the one i just mentioned above, there has been many anomalous fossilized footprint found in the Glen Rose Texas area.
*    Take a look at the Taylor trail footprints which is a series of 14 foot prints with at-least 134 dinosaur tracks, Paluxy river man trail, the Mcfall trail with 15 human foot prints, the Ryals track which is a human foot print across a dino's print, and the Burdick track all from around the Glen Rose area.
*    then there are a few more and from around the world worth looking into like; The Laetoli Print from Laetoli, Tanzania which is only 3.6 Million years ago, The Turkmenistan Track from Turkmenistan which are 200 million years old, and the Zapata Track from Robledos Mountains, New Mexico which is 248 to 290 million years old.
*    this one called the Kentucky Prints found by Dr. Ingalls and they have been validated one one hand but on the other hand they look fake or phony though it was prove that they were not carved and microscopic analysis of  the sand verified it was compacted as should be if stepped apon.
*    expanding on one before we move on, the new Mexico tracks called problematica as labeled in the July, 1992 issue (i think it's volume 23)of Smithonian Magazine (find it if you can here ), found by Jerry MacDonald, 1987 in the Robledos Mountains of New Mexico. There has also been foot prints like these found in many counties try fossilized foot prints adding Sweden or Mexico etc! for more.
*    here is places to find various "variations off a theme" (pro and con) websites for this story and others (i do not vouch for any websites but my own but these do have the basic and fairly accurate info and\or photos); these are from the last post * or or or * and these are for this post; and

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